Nuturing Massage
Chiropractic Upper Thoracic Technique
Rediscover your partner with this unique and stimulating massage technique that will delight and entice. Based on the natural energy that flows of the body, the Nurturing Massage is ideal for releasing tension, reducing stress, and as a prelude to love-making. Experience a new level of sublime sensuality with the Nurturing Massage.
Up Next in Chiropractic Upper Thoracic Technique
Unlimited Personal Injury Patients
With the help of business consultant Gregg Fessler, Dr. Rettner gives step-by-step instructions in reaching virtually untapped market of car accident victims who would not normally seek massage therapy or other alternatives to traditional medical treatment. This innovative approach to marketing y...
Lymphatic Massage
The lymphatic system operates throughout the body, detoxifying the blood and carrying away waste. Lymphatic massage seeks to drain the system of toxins, helping to rid the body of disease and waste. A timely massage can reduce flu suffering from two weeks to two days. Raphael Rettner, D.C., gives...
Advanced Healing Technique
Learn advanced healing techniques known only to highly skilled chiropractors and ostepaths. Enhance your work and make it gentler and more effective. This video covers sports massage, trigger point therapy, and neck stretches. Learn osteopathic knee circles, pain-free foot reflexology, a gentle r...